ZSMK | 25 April 2007 г. | 14:14

West Siberian Metallurgical Plant to pay lavish dividends

West Siberian Metallurgical Plant to pay lavish dividends

The BoD of West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (ZSMK) has adopted a decision to recommend the company’s shareholders to approve FY06 dividend payouts of $8.50 (Rb 221) per share. It is noteworthy that the metal maker paid M906 dividends of $11 (Rb 287.7) per share, H107 dividends of $8.6 (Rb 224) and Q106 dividends of $1.9 (Rb 50) per share to its shareholders. Thus, WestSib’s FY06 dividends will total $30 per share, up almost 3-fold against $10.80 in the year-earlier period.

ZSMK managed to raise its dividends so dramatically this year on the back of strong financial performance. According to Antanta Capital’s estimates, ZSMK’s FY06 net income will be $545 mln and the company will distribute over $402 mln, or some 74% of its net income, among shareholders.

Source: Antanta Capital
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