Metal-Expo | 17 May 2007 г. | 10:15

Metal-Expo International Exhibition

Metal-Expo International Exhibition

In the recent years, distribution of ferrous and non-ferrous metals is modernized in Russia quite quickly including equipping with modern equipment for warehouses, stocks and steel service centers, equipment for processing, handling, just in time supplies etc.      

Metal-Expo International Exhibition held in Moscow has become a key event for establishing favorable conditions for development of cooperation between Russian and international producers and suppliers of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, equipment for their production and processing. Every year in autumn the exhibition gathers together in Moscow entrepreneurs and businessmen from more than 40 countries. Participation in this forum facilitates modernization and development of the steel producing and processing industries, gives a new impulse to creation of new projects, joint ventures, and establishment of mutually beneficial projects.

Welcome to Metal-Expo’2007, the 13th International Industrial Exhibition (November 13-16, 2007, The All-Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow).

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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