Seversky Tube Works and Corinth Pipeworks JV launches new product line
The JV produces ERW longitudinal pipes with diameters of up to 530mm, wall thickness of 4.8 to 12.7mm and in lengths up to 18m as well as special purpose pipes. These products are intended for oil and gas companies in Russia and the CIS and for use in their rapidly developing construction industry.
“ТМК-CPW” JV activity is aimed at increasing TMK sales of premium products and at satisfying the growing high quality product demand from key industries. Annual JV production capacity amounts to 200 thousand tonnes of tubular goods.
Ilias Klis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Hellenic Republic to Russia, Eduard Rossel, Governor of Sverdlovsk region, and the JV shareholders attended the launch of the new production line.
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