CZP | 16 June 2008 г. | 11:25

Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant Announces 2007 IFRS Consolidated Results

Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant Announces 2007 IFRS Consolidated Results
The media reported the preliminary estimates for Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant’s FY07 financials. According to management’s guidance, revenue is to rise 10% y-o-y to $608.9 mln and EBITDA will drop 16% to $147.7 mln. Net income should reach $75.1 mln in the reporting period. Meanwhile, experts estimates are slightly higher than those announced by management.

Forecast of ChZP’s FY07 IFRS financials

Sources: Company data, AntantaPioglobal estimates

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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