Industrial Metallurgical Holding | 21 May 2010 г. | 10:51

In Jesenice important property issues for Acroni are settled

In Jesenice important property issues for Acroni are settled

After a great crisis after 1990, several unsolved properly and legal relations existed between the Jesenice Municipality and the steelworks Zelezarna Jesenice, the legal successor of the former steelworks and a member of the group Slovenska Industrija Jekla (SIJ). The agreement was signed on 10 May 2010 and the three signatories Tom Tomaћ Mencinger, the mayor of the Jesenice Municipality, Bojan Faleћ, the manager of Zelezarna Jesenice, and Tibor Љimonka, the chairman of the SIJ management board, concluded 20 years of negotiations and settled the property and legal relations. The issues concerned 19 houses containing 50 apartments, sports park Podmeћakla with playgrounds and ice hall, local swimming pool, workers’ house, local railway tracks, school premises, etc. Slavko Kanalec, the managing director of the steelworks Acroni Jesenice, a member of SIJ group, stressed that it was very important for those issues to be solved and from then on the Jesenice Municipality and Acroni would actively cooperate in their future plans. The president of the management board of SIJ, Tibor Љimonka, stated that the agreement enabled further development of Jesenice, which was very important for both the local community and Acroni as they were greatly dependent upon each other. It is in common interest of both to coexist and cooperate.

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