Industrial Metallurgical Holding | 04 June 2011 г. | 11:36

New enrichment technology is introduced at enrichment factory of KMAruda Works

New enrichment technology is introduced at enrichment factory of KMAruda Works

The decision has been taken to introduce an additional stage of pulverization at plot No. 2 of the crushing and enrichment factory. Where before only two stages have been in effect—a first and second stage—now a third is being added that includes «Stack Sizer» screening machines produced by Derrick. The changes were made initially at the first technological section. Over the course of a month and a half, analysis was conducted of the performance of the three primary mills for the three secondary mills when the third stage of pulverization is applied. As a result, the iron content turned out to be higher. Thus, it has proven possible to achieve the appropriate quality indicators without reducing the load on the primary mills. A similar reconstruction is now underway at the second technological section. As a result, a universal technological schema with two sections will be achieved at plot No. 2 of the crushing and enrichment factory that will make it possible to process the maximum amount of ferruginous quartzites and achieve a high-quality concentrate.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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