Slovenska Industrija Jekla has held 22nd General Assembly of Shareholders

The General Assembly got acquainted with the annual report of the company SIJ (Slovenska industrija jekla, d. d.) and of the Slovenian Steel Group, including auditors' Unqualified Opinions on all the companies within the Group and on the Group as a whole. In 2010, the Slovenian Steel Group created net consolidated revenues in the total amount of EUR 590.9 million which is by 59.2% more than the year before. Physical business performance indicators: quantitative production (+32.5%) and sales (+38.8%) were higher in 2010 compared to 2009. The net profit reached the amount of EUR 3.9 million, which is by EUR 30.8 million higher than in 2009. The set investment policy was continued actively and the Group made investments in the total amount of EUR 46.7 million. The General Assembly of SIJ, d.d., granted discharge to the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board for the business year that ended on 31 December 2010, and confirmed the proposal of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board to keep the stated distributable profit of SIJ d. d. in the amount of EUR 12.2 million undistributed. The counter-proposal of the Republic of Slovenia to pay out one part of distributable profit has not been voted through. The General Assembly of SIJ appointed the audit firm Deloitte revizija, d. o. o., for the auditor of the companies and of the Slovenian Steel Group for the business year that ends on 31 December 2011. The General Assembly also decided that each member of the Supervisory Board be paid an compensation in the total gross amount of EUR 10,000 for his/her work in 2010.
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