Industrial Metallurgical Holding
16 September 2011 г. | 10:21
Annual plan for biological reclamation is being completed at Uchastok Koksovy

Specialists at OOO Uchastok Koksovy are completing an annual plan for biological reclamation. It may be recalled that OOO Uchastok Koksovy is working on a project developed in 2004 by ZAO Gipro-Ugol» (Novosibirsk). By 2020 the company is to reclaim almost 260 hectares of land in all. At present, 123 hectares of land have been reclaimed. Of these, more than 83.5 hectares have been transferred to the city of Kiselevsk. Today, of 15 hectares planned for biological reclamation in 2011, 9 hectares have been planted with grass and saplings. 920 thousand roubles have been spent on biological reclamation. In September-October, biological reclamation of the remaining 6 hectares planned for the current year will be completed.
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