Industrial Metallurgical Holding | 16 September 2011 г. | 10:28

OAO Koks laboratory accredited

OAO Koks laboratory accredited

The Central Plant Laboratory at OAO Koks has successfully undergone accreditation. The procedure was conducted by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Moscow) The completed accreditation process demonstrates that the level of the equipment and the technical competency of staff at OAO Koks' Central Plant Laboratory meets the All-Union State Standards RISO/MEK 17025-2006 (ISO/MEK 17025:2005). Experimental Laboratory Accreditation Certificate No. ROSS RU.0001.22TY67 was issued for a period of five years until 13 July 2016. It gives the right to confirm the quality of the products developed by OAO Koks: coke, resins, and raw benzol, and to conduct analysis for outside organizations. Accreditation is a sign of the high level of work and will boost the lab's competitiveness with labs that do not hold such accreditation.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales
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