VSMPO-Avisma | 23 September 2011 г. | 16:23

VSMPO-Avisma passed auditing by the German engine builders

VSMPO-Avisma passed auditing by the German engine builders

According to corporate newspaper “Metallur”, representatives of German companies Prawest and Praturbo inspected the manufacturing process of titanium rods procured from VSMPO-Avisma.
After inspection of production capacities and close examination of technological documentation, they stated that Russian products are fully consistent with the highest European standards.

VSMPO cooperates with German companies over the past two years. Prawest is involved in aerospace business - the production of blades for engines that is delivered by MTU Aero Engines. Praturbo, operates in the automotive industry, in particular it produces turbocharged engines for trucks.

Engine builders were surprised by the openness (frankness) of the VSMPO representatives, their willingness to answer all questions. Inspectors checked all necessary documents and highly evaluated (appraised) work of factory workers.

Source: metal supply & sales
View count: 136

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