Uraltrubprom | 27 September 2011 г. | 18:14

Uraltrubprom produced 5000 tons of metal for the Olympic facilities in Sochi

Uraltrubprom produced 5000 tons of metal for the Olympic facilities in Sochi

The steel frame for Small Ice Arena in Sochi (for 7000 seats) is being build, using the metal construction produced by Uraltrubprom. This facility is being built for the 2014 Olympic Games.

"We worked on this important order for over a year", - says Elena Malagon, Head of Design Department, Uraltrubprom. "For the Small Ice Arena building we produced 5 k tons of steel frame, including design of spectator stands. Twenty designers created 3056 detailed drawings.

“This is not the first sports complex, which is constructed using company’s metal carcass; the main advantage of this sport complex is that it will be dismountable. It is assumed that after the Olympic closing ceremonies it will be dismantled and moved to another city. This was the main difficulty of the project, we had to build it without the usual installation on structure such as welding, we had to use only high-strength bolts, working with high-precision accuracy assembly”, says Elena Malagon.

The Small Ice Arena will resemble the shape of a puck with a vortex illumination, which creates the effect of its rotation.

More than five hundred employees from Uraltrubprom were working for the Olympic order, including design engineers, welders and also the specialists who carried out the shipment of metal.

The final stage of implementation of this order is to monitor the process of assembling the steel frame of the Small Ice Arena in the Imeritenky lowland, by the sea near Sochi.

Source: metal supply & sales
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