Kolskaya Mining and Metallurgical Company modernized electric furnace plant

The automated system of adjustment of draft of departing gases from the smelting furnaces is placed into operation in electric furnace plant of refining plant, Kolskaya Mining and Metallurgical Company (part of Norilsk Nickel).
In total, the electric furnace plant consists of three metallurgical units. A special place in this processing chain is given to the gas removal system. It not only adjusts the draft from the furnaces, but also is responsible for purifying the gases emitted into the atmosphere.
The new automated draft control allows to maintain optimal gas removal.
In automatic mode the shiber is covered by reducing the load on the furnace. In this case, the amount of removed gas, which comes through the electric filters, is being reduced. As a result, the efficiency of electric filters increases.
In addition, through the introduction of new technology in the electric furnace plant refining plant managed to reduce fugitive dust emissions and improve working conditions.
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