Metal-Expo | 23 August 2012 г. | 10:02

Tubes producers to meet with potential customers

Tubes producers to meet with potential customers

All the major tubes producers including TMK, OMK, ChTPZ Group, Uraltrubprom as well as some smaller companies will participate in Metal-Expo’2012, 18th International Industrial Exhibition in November in Moscow. Russia assessing WTO will cause the tariff protection of the national economy including the tubes industry. Since the domestic market has always been the target sales market for the Russian tubes manufacturers, today they do their best to promote their products and expand sales markets to be able to stand the steel competition.

Tubes manufacturers have a lot to show on their impressive expositions since over the last 10 years they have invested the total of more than 11bln USD in construction of new facilities. Thus, Vyksa Steel Works (part of OMK Group) launched Mill-5000, a Metallurgical complex at the end of 2012. Due to implementation of the project OMK has established at Vyksa Steel Works a vertically integrated chain from production of hot-rolled plates to big diameter pipes manufacture. This year OMK has announced launch of the project on construction of tubes-steels melting complex with the annual design capacity of 875kt of steel of which up to 500kt of seamless oil and gas pipes and up to 400kt of long products will be manufactured every year.

Premium connection casing tubes mill was commissioned at Orsk Steel Works (part of TMK). In addition to that an arc-steel melting furnace and FQM continuous tubes hot-rolling mill are being built at TAGMET and Seversky Tube Works (part of TMK). The new continuous tubes hot-rolling mill with the capacity of 600kt/y will produce seamless tubes 168—339mm in dia, wall thickness: 6.4—40mm.

Vysota 239 Plant at ChTPZ has reached its design capacity. Participation in the exhibition will help it with further loading of facilities.
Severstal will be investing some 1.3bn rubles during 2012—2013 in the modernization of Izhora facilities with the capacity of 600kt/y. The modernization is focused on increase in production capacity, quality improvement and mastering new types of products.

Tubes equipment manufacturers including SMS, Atomat, Siempelkamp etc. will participate in Metal-Expo’2012 along with tubes and pipe producers.

Source: Metal Supply & Sales
View count: 92

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