Severstal | 31 August 2012 г. | 13:11

Severstal launches water waste treatment facilities at the Izhora Pipe Mill

Severstal launches water waste treatment facilities at the Izhora Pipe Mill

Severstal, one of the world’s leading vertically integrated steel and steel related mining companies, launches water waste treatment facilities at the Izhora Pipe Mill worth around 75 million rubles.

The new equipment enables to recycle clean water, considerably reducing the negative impact on municipal waste treatment facilities and environment.

Lubricating fluids – water emulsions, solutions, suspensions, mixtures are key elements in all metalworking processes. At the Izhora Pipe Mill lubricating fluids are used during the process of producing of large-diameter pipes.

Nikolai Skorokhvatov, CEO of the Izhora Pipe Mill commented: “Harnessing the process has yielded tangible results. After the used lubricating fluid passes through the plant, we have clean water with a minimum oil product content that may be used in our circulating systems, as well as for preparation of primary working emulsions or chemical solutions.”

Source: Metal Supply & Sales
View count: 64

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