NLMK closes the order book for RUB5 billion BO-04 series bond issue

NLMK, the leading global steelmaking company, today announced the closure of the order book for its BО-4 bond issue series with a nominal value of RUB1,000 per bond. The issue has a total value of RUB5 billion and a maturity period of 1,092 days (3 years). In the course of marketing, book orders were placed by 46 investors for a total of RUB13.5 billion with a coupon rate from 8.24% to 8.50%. NLMK has set the first, second, third and fourth coupon rate at 8.25%. Settlement and delivery of the BО-4 bonds is expected to take place on September 10 at the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). Proceeds from the placement of bonds will be used to refinance the Company’s short-term debt, as well as for other corporate purposes. Gazprombank and Troika Dialog acted as lead managers of the bond placement. GLOBEXBANK acted as underwriter of the bond placement.
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